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Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 1: Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications

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《Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems》


  • Continuing to work correctly, even when things go wrong. 
    • aka. fault-tolerant or resilient.
  • Fault vs. Failure (fault means one component failed), design system that able tolerance the fault to prevent failure; 
  • Hardware Faults: Redundancy is  the key; 
  • Software Errors: could be more troublesome; 
    • Developers need to make assumptions and interactions carefully. 
  • Human Errors: Design to minimize chances of errors; decouple; Test thoroughly; Quick recover ability; monitoring(performance/error rate), aka Telemetry; Good management practice/training; 


  • A system’s ability to cope with increased load.  
  • Describing Load:  defined by “load parameters”, it depend on architecture of your system, e.g. 
    • the requests per second to a web server, 
    • the ratio of reads to writes in a database, 
    • the number of simultaneously active users in a chatroom, 
    • the hit rate on a cache, etc.
  • Twitter hybrid approach: fanned-out vs. fetched

  • the average rate of published tweets is almost two orders of magnitude lower than the rate of home timeline reads → Fanned-Out approach
    • On average, a tweet is delivered to about 75 followers, so 4.6k tweets per second become 345k writes per second to the home timeline caches.
    • Moved to Hybrid approach to handle Justin-Biber effects. 
  • Describing Performance: When you increase a load parameter, keep the same system resources, what will happen ? How much do you need to increase resources to keep up the performance ? 
    • E.g. “response time”— the time between a client sending a request and receiving a response. 
    • Latency vs. response time: Latency is the duration that a request is waiting to be handled—during which it is latent, awaiting service.
    • Better use “percentiles” to measure response time, e.g. median(p50)
      • High percentiles of response times, also known as tail latencies, are important because they directly affect users’ experience of the service.
      • Amazon describes response time requirements for internal services in terms of the 99.9th percentile (affects 1 in 1,000 requests). 
        • On the other hand, optimizing the 99.99th percentile (the slowest 1 in 10,000 requests) was deemed too expensive and to not yield enough benefit for Amazon’s purposes.
      • Amazon has also observed that a 100 ms increase in response time reduces sales by 1% [20], and others report that a 1-second slowdown reduces a customer satisfaction metric by 16%
      • It is important to measure response times on the client side.
  • Approaches for Coping with Load:
    • Good architectures usually involve a pragmatic mixture of approaches: Scaling up(Vertical) & Scaling out(horizontal) 
      • Scaling out: Stateless service is fairly straightforward compared to Stateful service.  
    • It is conceivable that distributed data systems will become the default in the future.
    • The architecture of systems that operate at large scale is usually highly specific to the application.
    • An scalable architecture usually built from general-purpose building blocks arranged in familiar patterns. 


  • Operability: Make it easy for operations teams to keep the system running smoothly.
  • Simplicity: Make it easy for new engineers to understand the system, 
    • By removing as much complexity as possible from the system. (Note: this is not the same as simplicity of the user interface.)
    • Making a system simpler DOES NOT necessarily mean reducing its functionality;
    • Complexity: as accidental if it is not inherent in the problem that the software solves (as seen by the users) but arises only from the implementation.
      • One of the best tools we have for removing accidental complexity is abstraction. (However,finding good abstractions is very hard.)
  • Evolvability:Make it easy for engineers to make changes to the system in the future, adapting it for unanticipated use cases as requirements change. Also known as extensibility, modifiability, or plasticity.
    • Agile working patterns provide a framework for adapting to change
    • simple and easy-to-understand systems are usually easier to modify than complex ones (Linked to the previous point - Maintainability


  • functional requirements: (what it should do, such as allowing data to be stored, retrieved, searched, and processed in various ways),
  • nonfunctional requirements: (general properties like security, reliability, compliance, scalability, compatibility, and maintainability)
  • Reliability means making systems work correctly, even when faults occur.
  • Scalability means having strategies for keeping performance good, even when load increases.
  • Maintainability has many facets, but in essence it’s about making life better for the engineering and operations teams who need to work with the system.

《Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems》